Watch Mercury Get Smacked By CMEs

12 years ago

The bright object in the center of this video sequence is the planet Mercury, seen by NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft as…

Navy Scientists Spot New Solar Structures

12 years ago

[/caption] There's something new under the Sun... well, just above the Sun, actually. Scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory have…

Planetary Conjunction Mashup

12 years ago

A Boulder Side of Venus - Conjunctions 2012 from Patrick Cullis on Vimeo. So far, 2012 has brought us a…

Keck Observatory Fires Up MOSFIRE

12 years ago

[/caption] Last week, on April 4, 2012, the W.M. Keck Observatory's brand-new MOSFIRE instrument opened its infrared-sensing eyes to the…

Weekly SkyWatcher’s Forecast: April 9-15, 2012

12 years ago

[/caption]Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! It's shaping up to be a great week to enjoy astronomy. For both hemispheres, the Virginid Meteor…


12 years ago

[/caption] Named after the 17th-century metaphysical poet, Mercury's Donne crater was captured in this image by NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft. The…

1981 Climate Change Predictions Were Eerily Accurate

12 years ago

[/caption] A paper published in the journal Science in August 1981 made several projections regarding future climate change and anthropogenic…

The Sun Does a Barrel Roll

12 years ago

Well, not really...... The Sun didn't do a barrel roll; it was actually the Solar Dynamics Observatory that performed a…

How Would Humans Respond to First Contact from an Alien World?

12 years ago

[/caption] According to Star Trek lore, it is only 51 years until humans encounter their first contact with an alien…

NASA Jets Buzz The Capitol

12 years ago

[/caption] Earlier today, Thursday, April 5,  two NASA T-38 jets passed over the Washington, DC metropolitan area, during planned training…