Do Advanced Civilizations Know We're Here?

1 year ago

Although humans have only sent a couple of tentative signals into space, many are concerned about the risks. Should we…

There’s No Wind on the Moon, So How Does Dust Shift and Swirl So Quickly?

1 year ago

The last place to look for windstorms is on the Moon. Yet, it has swirls on its surface that look…

A Satellite Deployed a Drag Sail and Removed Itself from Orbit Five Years Early

1 year ago

In an age of increasing "stuff" orbiting Earth one big concern is what happens if one satellite hits another. The…

It's Time for a Gravitational Wave Observatory in the Southern Hemisphere

1 year ago

All current and planned gravitational wave observatories are located in the northern hemisphere, in the US, India, Europe, and Japan.…

Exploring Io’s Volcanic Activity via Hubble and Webb Telescopes

1 year ago

The two most powerful space telescopes ever built, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Hubble Space Telescope, are about…

The Whirlpool Galaxy, Seen by JWST

1 year ago

The Whirlpool Galaxy, aka M51, is one of the most well-known objects in the night sky. It's close enough and…

Is the Solar Wind Coming From These Tiny Jets on the Sun?

1 year ago

Ever since the first direct observations of the solar wind in 1959, astronomers have worked to figure out what powers…

JWST Plucks One Single Star out of a Galaxy Seen 12.5 Billion Years Ago

1 year ago

Thanks to data obtained by Webb, astronomers have confirmed that MACS0647-star-1 is the second farthest star observed to date.

Astronomers Precisely Measure a Black Hole's Accretion Disk

1 year ago

Actively feeding supermassive black holes are known as quasars, and they can outshine all the stars of their host galaxy.…

A Swarm Of Swimming Microbots Could Be Deployed To Europa’s Ocean

1 year ago

Europa and other ocean worlds in our solar system have recently attracted much attention. They are thought to be some…