One of Neptune's Dark Spots Finally Seen From Earth

1 year ago

Using the ESO's VLT, an international team of observers was able to study Neptune's Great Dark Spot with a ground-based…

Neptune's Cloud Cover is Linked to the Solar Cycle

1 year ago

Whenever Neptune reaches its closest point in the sky to Earth, its portrait is taken by the Hubble Space Telescope…

TESS Has Found Thousands of Possible Exoplanets. Which Ones Should JWST Study?

1 year ago

JWST has demonstrated how well it can analyze the atmosphere of exoplanets, revealing carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sulfur compounds.…

Over 100 Million Years Ago, Olympus Mons Had a Massive Landslide

1 year ago

While the surface of Mars looks relatively unchanging now, it wasn’t always so. The tallest mountain in the Solar System…

Dr. Tracy Becker Honored with 2023 Carl Sagan Medal for Science Communication

1 year ago

This year’s prestigious Carl Sagan Medal, also known as the “Sagan Medal” and named after the late astronomer, Dr. Carl…

Watch an Actual Exoplanet Orbit its Star for 17 Years

1 year ago

Searching for exoplanets is incredibly difficult given their literal astronomical distances from Earth, which is why a myriad of methods…

NASA is Helping to Develop a Mach 4 Passenger Jet

1 year ago

NASA has completed a series of studies that evaluated the potential for supersonic air travel between Mach 2 and 4!

Chandrayaan-3 Lands Successfully on the Moon’s South Pole

1 year ago

India’s space agency successfully landed their Chandrayaan-3 lander on the lunar surface, becoming the fourth country to touch down on…

The Irony. ClearSpace-1 Couldn't Clean up Space Debris Because its Target Already Got hit by Space Debris, Creating Even More Space Debris.

1 year ago

The European Space Agency's ClearSpace-1 satellite was zeroing in on the spent payload adaptor from a 2013 rocket launch. Its…

The Most Compelling Places to Search for Life Will Look Like “Anomalies”

1 year ago

A new study considers how future astrobiology studies could search for life "as we don't know it" on exoplanets.