When the Sun Dies, it Could Produce a Fantastic Ring in Space, Like This New Image From JWST

1 year ago

We recently got a new image of the famous Ring Nebula from JWST using its NIRCam instrument. This week we…

Catch a Cycle of Lunar Occultations of Antares Starting This Week

1 year ago

Most North America gets to see the Moon blot out Antares Thursday night.

Russia's Luna 25 Lander Crashed Into the Moon

1 year ago

On Saturday, Aug. 19th, Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft suffered an engine malfunction and crashed its lunar lander on the Moon's surface.

Is This How You Get Magnetars?

1 year ago

Imagine a living star with a magnetic field at least 100,000 times stronger than Earth's field. That's the strange stellar…

Floating Seismometers Could Help Peer Into The Core of Venus

1 year ago

Seismology has been ubiquitous on Earth for decades, and missions such as InSight have recently provided the same data for…

A Maglev System On The Moon Could Make Lunar Logistics A Breeze

1 year ago

Maglevs are one of those technologies that still look like magic, even years after they were initially rolled out. While…

Universe Today Interviews Author, Engineer & Technologist Les Johnson About the 8th Interstellar Symposium

1 year ago

Universe Today sat down with NASA technologist, engineer, and author Les Johnson as he talked about some of the highlights…

A New Way to Measure the Expansion Rate of the Universe: Redshift Drift

1 year ago

Almost all the galaxies in the Universe are speeding away from us because of the Big Bang and the acceleration…

This Jupiter-Sized Exoplanet is Unusual for Several Reasons

1 year ago

In a recent study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, a team of international researchers examined…

Want to Find UFOs? That's a Job for Machine Learning

1 year ago

A new study shows how hyperspectral imaging and AI could help in the study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).