Big Find: Citizen Scientists Discover Two Extrasolar Planets

13 years ago

[/caption] Hip-hip hooray for citizen scientists! The first two exoplanet candidates have been identified by members of the public through…

UARS Update: NASA Refines Crashing Satellite’s Debris Region and Location

13 years ago

This video from Analytical Graphics, Inc. shows an updated animated analysis of the break-up of the the 6-ton, bus-sized UARS…

What are the experts saying about SLS?

13 years ago

[/caption] CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla – NASA’s recent unveiling of what its Space Launch System or SLS would look like created…

Carnival of Space #215

13 years ago

This week’s Carnival of Space is hosted by our very own Steve Nerlich at his very own Cheap Astronomy website.…

Big Ol’ Black Hole Jets

13 years ago

[/caption] Some 20,000 light years away, a black hole named GX 339-4 has produced one of the most exciting visible…

Rheasilvia – Super Mysterious South Pole Basin at Vesta is Named after Romulus and Remus Roman Mother

13 years ago Video caption: Rheasilvia Impact Basin and Vesta shape model. This false-color shape model video of the giant asteroid Vesta…

Can You Spot the Running Chicken in this Nebula?

13 years ago

[/caption] A brand new image from the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope reveals the Lambda Centauri Nebula,…

Commercial Space Roundup

13 years ago

[/caption] By all reports – commercial space is thriving. A number of recent announcements show that the burgeoning “private” space…

Primordial Black Holes, Dark Matter and Stellar Collisions… Oh, My!

13 years ago

[/caption] Well, we're off to see the Wizard again, my friends. This time it's to explore the possibilities of primordial…

Must See Video: Falling NASA UARS Satellite Observed While Still in Orbit

13 years ago

The huge Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) will be plummeting to Earth in an uncontrolled re-entry this week, but here's…