Milky Way Arm Wrestles With Dark Matter

13 years ago

[/caption] For a good number of years, astronomers have hypothesized the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy has been loaded up with dark…

SLS: NASA’s Next Big Thing

13 years ago

[/caption] NASA has officially unveiled the plan for their next large-scale rocket: the Space Launch System, or SLS, will provide…

Kepler Mission Discovers “Tatooine-like” Planet

13 years ago

[/caption] In a news conference today, Kepler mission scientists announced the first confirmed circumbinary planet ( a planet that orbits…

Solo Star Synthesis

13 years ago

[/caption] "Swing your partner round and round... Out of the cluster and out of town" While that's a facetious description…

Help! My Stars are Leaking!

13 years ago

[/caption] Star clusters are wonderful test beds for theories of stellar formation and evolution. One of the key roles they…

Stellar X-Rays Strip Planet To Bare Bones

13 years ago

[/caption] Some 880 light years away, a star named CoRoT-2a is busy decimating one of its planets - CoRoT-2b. Orbiting…

Reports of a Bright Meteor over Southwestern US

13 years ago

Just a quick post here, I'm hearing reports that there was a really bright fireball (meteor) across Arizona, Nevada and…

Comet Elenin is Now Fading Away

13 years ago

[/caption] As far as Comet Elenin goes, the only chance of impending doom is for the comet itself: it is…

Senate Saves the James Webb Space Telescope!

13 years ago

The 2012 fiscal year appropriation bill, marked up today by the Senate, allows for continued funding of the James Webb…

NASA Unveils Their New Launch System

13 years ago

[/caption] NASA Adminstrator Charlie Bolden and several members of Congress announced today the decision on NASA’s next heavy lift vehicle…