Spacecraft Could Shuttle Astronauts and Supplies to and From the Moon on a Regular Basis

1 year ago

A team of scientists calculated the orbital trajectory for a spacecraft that will make regular trips between the Earth and…

Cylindrical Autonomous Drilling Bot Could Reach Buried Martian Water

1 year ago

The south pole of Mars is a likely candidate for future exploration efforts there. It is also an area of…

Giant Tidal Waves are Crashing Onto the Surface of an Enormous Star

1 year ago

Although the surface of a star seems quite different from the ocean, the underlying effect of gravity can create similar…

Astronomers Find a Newly-Forming Quadruple-Star System

1 year ago

Scientists have observed a rare quadruple star system in formation, revealing new insights into how multi-star systems form.

Deploying a Huge Antenna On The Moon Could Study Its Insides

1 year ago

Understanding what lies under the lunar surface could be critical to future exploration efforts. A series of missions have already…

Juno Shares Stunning New Images of Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon Io

1 year ago

The Juno made its closest pass to Io, Jupiter's volcanic moon, and snapped some stunning images of an eruption on…

Researchers Match Up 12 Meteorites with the Near-Earth Asteroids They Came From

1 year ago

Every day meteoroids blast through our planet's atmosphere to hit the ground as meteorites. A team of researchers in Italy…

Evidence for Modified Gravity Found in the Motions of Binary Stars

1 year ago

There are two leading explanations for dark matter, massive particles that don't interact with regular matter apart from gravity and…

JWST Turns its Gaze on the Farthest Known Star: Earendel

1 year ago

In March 2022, astronomers announced the discovery of the farthest known star via an image taken by the Hubble Space…

We Could Get Material On The Moon By Shocking It With Lightning

1 year ago

Lately, plenty of ideas have been floating around for methods to mine the Moon. That is undoubtedly partly due to…