Winds Delay Launch For GRAIL

13 years ago

[/caption] High upper level winds put a damper on hopes for launching the GRAIL mission on its first attempts on…

It Turns Out Some Borders *Are* Visible from Space

13 years ago

[/caption] There is an oft-repeated and perhaps beautiful saying that you can't see political borders from space. Well, it turns…

Robot Works on Repairs While ISS Astronauts Sleep

13 years ago

If it turns out that astronauts do have to leave the International Space Station unmanned, at least Dextre, the Canadian…

Exploring Geomagnetic Substorms

13 years ago

[/caption] Every now and again, a sudden pulse of energy in Earth's magnetosphere just cuts loose. As a result, we…

Last Delta II Rocket to Launch Extraordinary Journey to the Center of the Moon on Sept. 8

13 years ago

[/caption] Another American rocket Era is about to end. The venerable Delta II rocket, steeped in history, will fly what…

Something New On the Sun: SDO Spots a Late Phase in Solar Flares

13 years ago

From a NASA press release: The Sun's surface dances. Giant loops of magnetized solar material burst up, twist, and fall…

Milky Way Harbors “Ticking Time Bombs”

13 years ago

[/caption] According to new research, the only thing that may be keeping elderly stars from exploding is their rapid spin.…

The Future of NASA’s Human Space Flight Program

13 years ago

The future of NASA's human space flight looks exciting and bright in this new video. Only time will tell if…

Colorful Cluster of Stars Competes with the Tarantula Nebula

13 years ago

[/caption] Who can shine the brightest in the Large Magellanic Cloud? A brilliant cluster of stars, open cluster NGC 2100…

Astrophoto: “The Center Of Our Galaxy Is A Busy Place” by Mike Romine

13 years ago

Not only is the center of our galaxy a busy place for seeing deep space objects - but near ones…