This week’s Carnival of Space is hosted by our very own Ray Sanders at his very own Dear Astronomer website…
For years comets have mystified scientists with their compositions that appear to have formed in both warm and cold environments,…
[/caption] There are many ways rocks can be textured. Wind erosion, water erosion, the escape of volcanic gases during their…
[/caption] Three scientists shared the 2011 Nobel Prize for physics for the discovery that the expansion of the universe is…
[/caption] Originally discovered by the Wide Angle Search for exoPlanets (WASP) survey in 2008, the eclipsing exoplanet WASP 10b has…
[/caption] The Draconids are coming! Will this meteor shower produce a storm of observable meteors, or just a minor squall?…
This amazing video from the SOHO mission (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) shows a sun-diving comet hitting the solar surface on…
There's a new telescope in town that just opened up for business. It's the long awaited ALMA, the Atacama Large…
[/caption] Have you seen a very bright star rising in the East every night the past few months? If you're…
On September 22, an international team of researchers working on the OPERA project at the Gran Sasso research facility released…