How Did Jupiter Shape Our Solar System?

13 years ago

[/caption] Jupiter hasn't always been in the same place in our solar system. Early in the history of our solar…

Stunning New Timelapse: Tempest Milky Way

13 years ago

It's been a summer of storms across the US, and timelapse photographer Randy Halverson has taken advantage of it! Randy…

Human Mission to an Asteroid: Why Should NASA Go?

13 years ago

Imagine, if you can, the first time human eyes see Earth as a distant, pale blue dot. We’ve dreamed of…

Scientists Detect Sunspots Before They Emerge

13 years ago

[/caption] For solar enthusiasts, we're all quite aware of sunspots and their implications. Able to disrupt power grids, shut down…

Shedding Some Light on a Dark Discovery

13 years ago

[/caption] Earlier this month astronomers released news of the darkest exoplanet ever seen: discovered in 2006, the gas giant TrES-2b…

Nifty Video: Clouds in Motion on Mars

13 years ago

Kick back and watch the clouds go by -- on Mars! Emily Lakdawalla at the Planetary Society Blog has put…

Rumors of Continued Soaring Life-Cycle Costs for Webb Telescope

13 years ago

[/caption] Under the threat of cancellation because of cost overruns, this is about the worst news the James Webb Space…

Five Awesome Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know Asteroseismology Could Do

13 years ago

[/caption] Asteroseismology is a relatively new field in astronomy. This branch uses sound waves in stars to explore their nature…

Astrophoto: Jupiter and Trees by Matt W. Childs

13 years ago

[/caption] A stunning look at Jupiter in the night sky, from under a canopy of trees. "I took that exposure…

Carnival of Space #211

13 years ago

A brand new Carnival of Space is hosted by Amy Teitel over at Vintage Space. Click here to read Carnival…