Genesis Sheds Light On Sun And Solar System Formation

13 years ago

[/caption] For 886 days between 2001 and 2004, a tiny spacecraft named Genesis sat parked at Lagrange Point L1 quietly…

ARTEMIS Spacecraft Curlicuing Their Way To Lunar Orbit

13 years ago

[/caption] From a Goddard Space Flight Center Press Release: They've almost arrived. It took one and a half years, over…

Cosmology in the Year 1 Trillion

13 years ago

[/caption]Much of what is known today about the birth of the cosmos comes from astronomical observations at high redshifts. Due…

Betelgeuse: A Claim To Flame

13 years ago

[/caption] If it were at home in the center of our solar system, this red supergiant's girth would extend out…

Another Asteroid To Give Earth a Close Shave June 27, 2011

13 years ago

[/caption] A newly discovered house-sized asteroid will miss the Earth by less than 17,700 km (11,000 miles) on Monday June…

Fundraising for Aliens

13 years ago

[/caption] SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence suffered a big blow in April of this year when the primary alien…

Double Occultations This Week Will Reveal More Details About Pluto

13 years ago

Several teams of astronomers are taking advantage of a rare double event this week to learn more about the atmosphere…

Packing a Mars Rover for the Trip to Florida

13 years ago

Check out this way cool time-lapse movie of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover as its being packed up for her trip…

Is This a Scene from Star Wars or a Real Image from the ISS?

13 years ago

[/caption] What an amazing image! The ATV-2 Johannes Kepler looks like an X-Wing fighter from Star Wars as it departed…

Enceladus’ Salty Surprise

13 years ago

  [/caption] Researchers on the Cassini mission team have identified large salt grains in the plumes emanating from Saturn's icy…