What Does 60 Years of Silence Tell Us About the Search for Extraterrestrials?

1 year ago

Astronomers have only been scanning the skies for a signal from extraterrestrial civilizations for about 60 years. Although no signal…

Did Powerful Asteroid Impacts Make Venus So Different From Earth?

1 year ago

A new study connects impacts during Venus' early history to its smooth and "youthful" appearance today.

Computer Algorithm Finds a “Potentially Hazardous” Asteroid

1 year ago

Humanity has been on an asteroid-finding spree as of late. Those close to Earth, known as Near Earth Objects (NEOs),…

Oops. NASA Accidentally Points Voyager 2’s Antenna Away from Earth, Temporarily Losing Contact

1 year ago

It's every space mission's nightmare: losing contact with the spacecraft. In the best case, you recover it right away. Worst…

NASA is Working on Technology to 3D Print Circuits in Space

1 year ago

A collaboration of engineers from NASA and academia recently tested hybrid printed electronic circuits near the edge of space, also…

The PLATO Mission Could be the Most Successful Planet Hunter Ever

1 year ago

A new study estimates how many exoplanets the ESA's PLATO mission will discover during its four-year run, with encouraging results!

New Simulation Reveals the Churning Interiors of Giant Stars

1 year ago

Stellar fusion happens at a star's core, where the enormous temperatures and pressures fuse hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing radiation.…

Chinese Scientists Complete a Concept Study for a 6-Meter Space Telescope to Find Habitable Exoplanets

1 year ago

With JWST safely in space, researchers are designing the next generation of space telescope that could Earth-sized worlds orbiting sunlike…

Astronomers are Watching a Planet Get its Atmosphere Blasted Away into Space

1 year ago

What do you get when a hot young world orbits a wildly unstable young red dwarf? For AU Microsopii b,…

Could Aging Wine Become The First Major Space Manufacturing Business?

1 year ago

In capitalist societies, resources are primarily directed at solving problems, and one of the biggest hurdles facing space development is…