Google +1 Button

13 years ago

Hi everyone, if you look over on the right-hand side of the page I've added the new Google +1 button…

Old Star Clusters Shed New Light on Starbirth

13 years ago

[/caption] Hovering about the galactic plane and locked in the embrace of a spiral galaxy's arms, open star clusters usually…

Era of Space Shuttle Endeavour Ends with June 1 landing at the Kennedy Space Center

13 years ago

[/caption] KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - Space Shuttle Endeavour and her six man crew landed safely today at the Kennedy Space…

Bringing the Solar System Down to Earth

13 years ago

As a part of NASA's ongoing Year of the Solar System – which is actually a single Martian year long, or…

MOST… Cutting To The Heart Of A Wolf-Rayet Star

13 years ago

[/caption] In 1867, astronomers using the 40 cm Foucault telescope at the Paris Observatory, discovered three stars in the constellation…

Coming To A Theatre Near You… Extreme Neutron Stars!

13 years ago

[/caption] They came into existence violently... Born at the death of a massive star. They are composed almost entirely of…

Atlantis Goes Vertical for the Last Time

13 years ago

[/caption] KENNEDY SPACE CENTER – For the last time in history, Atlantis and the shuttle program have literally gone vertical.…

Voyager 1 Measures Magnetic Mayhem

13 years ago

[/caption] When Voyager 1 passed into the heliosheath in 2004, it became the first man-made object to explore the remote…

And The Moon Is Eclipsed By The Earth

13 years ago

  [/caption] On June 15 there will be a total lunar eclipse visible from Australia, Indonesia, southern Japan, India, a…

Twisted Ring Of Gas Orbits Galactic Center

13 years ago

[/caption] The Herschel Space Observatory scanned the center of the galaxy in far-infrared and found a cool (in all senses…