From 2MASS To You… The Most Complete 3-D Map of Local Universe

13 years ago

[/caption] Isn't this era of astronomy incredible? There are times when I thumb through my old astronomy books with their…

UK and European Space Agencies Give a Go For Skylon Spaceplane

13 years ago

After 30 years of development, the UK and European space agencies have given a go for the Skylon Spaceplane. The…

Gamma Ray Burst 090429B… Far Out!

13 years ago

[/caption] You don't have to be an old hippie... all you have to do is be able to picture a…

Hubble Finds “Oddball” Stars in Milky Way Hub

13 years ago

Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope to peer deep into the central bulge of our galaxy have found a population…

In Memoriam: Spirit Rover, 2004-2010

13 years ago

If you're feeling a little sad today at the news that the Spirit rover is "dead," you're not alone. And…

The Lone SuperStar

13 years ago

[/caption] It hangs out in space some 160,000 light years away. Its neighborhood is the Large Magellanic Cloud. It calls…

Infographic: How the New Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Stacks Up

13 years ago

Thanks to and the Tech Media Network for sharing this great graphic showing NASA's "new" MPCV and how it…

Fuel Droplet Burning in Space is Psychedelic, Man

13 years ago

[/caption] Dude! This awesome image looks like a psychedelic 1970's flashback. But is is actually a droplet of fuel burning…

New Arm Embraces Milky Way

13 years ago

[/caption] Some sixteen decades ago, Lord Rosse was the first to point out spiral structure in distant "nebula"... and today…

“I believe this nation should commit itself…” Kennedy’s Moon Shot Speech to Congress

13 years ago

50 years ago today, US President John F. Kennedy addressed a joint session of Congress to ask for support for…