Astronomy Without A Telescope – Planet Spotting

13 years ago

[/caption] The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia counted 548 confirmed extrasolar planets at 6 May 2011, while the NASA Star and Exoplanet…

More Evidence of Liquid Erosion on Mars?

13 years ago

  [/caption] Terby Crater, a 170-km-wide (100-mile-wide) crater located on the northern edge of the vast Hellas Planitia basin in…

Update on Gliese 581d’s Habitability

13 years ago

[/caption] When last we checked in on Gliese 581d, a team from the University of Paris had suggested that the…

A Newly Discovered Planetary Nebula Teaches Us About Galactic Composition

13 years ago

Determining the chemical distribution of the galaxy is a tricky business. The ideal method is spectroscopy but since high quality…

How a Rubber Chicken is Spreading the Word about NASA, Space Missions and Science

13 years ago

[/caption] Here’s a headline you don’t see too often: "Rubber Chicken Turned NASA Mission Mascot Embarks on a Flight to…

Atlas Rocket Poised for Blast Off with Advanced Missile Early Warning Spy Satellite

13 years ago

[/caption] CAPE CANAVERAL - An Atlas V rocket is poised to blast off today, May 6 , with the inaugural…

Rare and Unpublished LIFE Photos of Alan Shepard’s Historic Flight

13 years ago

[/caption] If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen how I was oohing and aahing about a wonderful…

Space Adventures Wants to Fly You to the Moon

13 years ago

[/caption] Space Adventures – the company that brought the first space tourists to the International Space Station – has longer…

Stunning, Colorful New Look at the Lagoon Nebula

13 years ago

[/caption] Wow, is this gorgeous or what?! Argentinean astronomers Julia Arias and Rodolfo Barbá used the Gemini South telescope in…

Win the Book “Light This Candle”

13 years ago

As we said in our previous article, Alan Shepard was a complicated guy -- but seemingly the perfect person for…