Thin Flat Lenses Could Unleash a Revolution in Space Telescopes

1 year ago

Space telescopes use traditional polished mirrors like ground telescopes, which are heavy, unwieldy, and expensive to build. A new type…

DART Impact Ejected 37 Giant Boulders from Asteroid Dimorphos’ Surface

1 year ago

When the DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft intentionally slammed into asteroid moonlet Dimorphos on September 26, 2022, telescopes around…

Threats From Above Lead the List of Space Concerns in New Survey

1 year ago

Sending astronauts to the moon is OK — but more Americans think NASA should instead put a high priority on…

Does Beaming Power in Space Make Sense at the Moon?

1 year ago

The ESA is conducting a study to assess the potential for building space based solar power satellites... on the Moon!

Is This The First Exoplanet Trojan, or the Result of an Epic Collision Between Worlds?

1 year ago

It seems like every week, researchers are finding more and more interesting exoplanets. Many of them have analogs in our…

Did That Message Come From Earth or Space? Now SETI Researchers can be Sure

1 year ago

When SETI researchers discover an intriguing radio signal, their first instinct is to ask, "Is the signal coming from Earth?"…

Star Birth and Death Seen Near the Beginning of Time

1 year ago

Until recently, astronomers could not observe the first stars and galaxies that formed in the Universe. This occurred during what…

We Could Get Large Amounts of Water From the Moon by Directing the Sun At It

1 year ago

One of the most commonly discussed challenges when starting our species' space exploration journey is how to get the resources…

A Dying Red Giant Star has Thrown Out Giant Symmetrical Loops of Gas and Dust

1 year ago

The Gemini South telescope has captured a new image of the glowing nebula IC 2220. Nicknamed the Toby Jug Nebula,…

China Will Use Two Rockets to Put Humans on the Moon

1 year ago

At a recent summit, China revealed new details about its first crewed lunar mission scheduled for 2030, including schematics, graphics,…