Where In The Universe Challenge #141

14 years ago

It’s time once more for another Where In The Universe Challenge (sorry for the short hiatus...) Name where in the…

“How Apollo Flew To The Moon” Second Edition Set For Summer Release

14 years ago

[/caption] Apollo: the name conjures up images of spacesuit-clad astronauts riding fantastic machines to the surface of another world. But…

Revolutionary Dawn Closing in on Asteroid Vesta with Opened Eyes

14 years ago

[/caption] The excitement is building as NASA’s innovative Dawn spacecraft closes in on its first protoplanetary target, the giant asteroid…

Probing the Moho Boundary – Earth’s Own Unexplored Frontier

14 years ago

[/caption] The boundary where Earth’s crust gives way to the unexplored mantle was first detected in 1909, because of a…

Decadal Survey for Human Spaceflight?

14 years ago

[/caption] Over at Space Politics, Jeff Foust points out that a provision for an independent study about human spaceflight was…

Iran Claims They’ve Built a Flying Saucer

14 years ago

[/caption] Iran’s Fars News Agency revealed that the country has built an unmanned flying saucer, named "Zohal" (Saturn in Persian)…

Kepler Spacecraft Back in Action After Computer Glitch

14 years ago

[/caption] NASA's Kepler spacecraft is back in planet-hunting action after a computer malfunction put it into “safe mode” for 144…

What Did Gagarin See on His Historic Flight?

14 years ago

50 years ago, April 12th, Yuri Gagarin became the world’s first human to go into space. What did he see?…

Coolest Brown Dwarf Spotted by Earth-bound Telescopes

14 years ago

[/caption] Astronomers have found the coldest known star -- a brown dwarf in a double system about as hot as…

Equipment to Study Hayabusa’s Asteroid Samples Damaged in Japan Earthquake

14 years ago

[/caption] The large particle accelerator being used in to analyze the asteroid samples returned by the Hayabusa spacecraft was damaged…