Astronomers Map out the Radio Waves Coming From Large Satellite Constellations

1 year ago

You've heard that satellite constellations like Starlink are a problem for astronomers and their telescopes. Because the satellites are communicating…

Amazing Video Takes Flight Across the Dunes of Mars

1 year ago

Mars may be a cold, dry, dead world, but it's still part of nature. As part of nature, it displays…

Did the Pulsar Timing Array Actually Detect Colliding Primordial Black Holes?

1 year ago

With last week's announcement of the gravitational wave background detected by timing arrays, the assumption was that these are the…

If There Were a War in Space, Debris Would Destroy all Remaining Satellites in About 40 Years

1 year ago

On one particular day in 2021, astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the ISS must have felt a pin-prick of fear and…

The Early Universe Ran in Slow Motion

1 year ago

One of Einstein's predictions is that we should see time moving at different rates at different ages of the Universe.…

ESA's Euclid Mission is Off to Explore the Dark Universe

1 year ago

The Euclid space telescope, the ESA's next-generation astrophysics mission, was successfully launched to space!

James Webb is a GO for Cycle 2 Observations!

1 year ago

The observation programs for Cycle 2 of the James Webb Space Telescope have just been announced, and they are a…

NASA's VIPER Rover's First Moments on the Moon Might Be its Most Terrifying

1 year ago

NASA is building its first-ever robotic lunar rover. Named VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover), the rover is set for…

Gravitational Waves Can Be Gravitationally Lensed, and This Could Provide Another Way to Measure the Expansion of the Universe

1 year ago

Astronomers can never have enough ways to measure the expansion in the Universe, from nearby stars to distant quasars. A…

JWST Sees the Beginning of the Cosmic Web

1 year ago

The Cosmic Web is the large-scale structure of the Universe. If you could watch our cosmos unfold from the Big…