Here Come JWST’s First Images of Saturn

1 year ago

Note: This story has been updated with new images. It's Saturn's turn. The JWST is aiming its powerful, gold-coated, segmented…

A Direct Image of a Planet That’s Just Like Jupiter, Only Younger

1 year ago

In a recent study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, a team of astronomers used the W. M. Keck Observatory…

Light Pollution is Out of Control

1 year ago

Concern over global light pollution is growing. Astronomers are noticing its growing effect on astronomical observations, just as predicted in…

Virgin Galactic Flies Italians to Edge of Space for Its First Commercial Trip

1 year ago

After almost two decades of ups and downs, Virgin Galactic sent its first customers to the edge of space aboard…

Nancy Grace Roman and Vera Rubin Will be the Perfect Astronomical Partnership

1 year ago

The Vera Rubin Observatory and the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope are two powerful astronomical instruments due to come online in…

860 Million-Year-Old Quasar Had Already Amassed 1.4 Billion Times the Mass of the Sun

1 year ago

It wasn't long after the Big Bang that early galaxies began changing the Universe. Less than a billion years later,…

Good News! Astronauts are Drinking Almost all of Their Own Urine

1 year ago

Thanks to a new subsystem, called the Brine Processor Assembly (BPA) astronauts aboard the ISS can now recover most of…

After Decades of Observations, Astronomers have Finally Sensed the Pervasive Background Hum of Merging Supermassive Black Holes

1 year ago

We've become familiar with LIGO/VIRGO's detections of colliding black holes and neutron stars that create gravitational waves, or ripples in…

NASA and LEGO Continue Brick-Solid Partnership with Perseverance and Ingenuity LEGO Models

1 year ago

Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA-JPL) are busy keeping the Perseverance rover and Ingenuity helicopter functioning in Jezero Crater…

The Mars Sample Return Mission is Starting to Look Expensive

1 year ago

We say it all the time here at UT - getting to space is hard. It's even more hard to…