Kepler Spacecraft Can “Hear” a Red Giant Concerto in Space

14 years ago

[/caption] Not only is the Kepler spacecraft hunting down extrasolar planets, but it also provides the ability to study stars…

Earth Orbiting Satellites Maneuvered to Now Study the Moon

14 years ago

In another case of NASA reusing and recycling spacecraft, two of the five THEMIS spacecraft -- which were studying the…

Human Spaceflight Briefs

14 years ago

Quite a few things going on in the human spaceflight world, so will just post a few briefs: Of course…

Podcast: More From Tony Colaprete on LCROSS

14 years ago

[/caption] I had the chance to interview LCROSS principal investigator Anthony Colaprete about the latest findings released from the lunar…

25% of Sun-Like Stars Could Host Earth-Sized Worlds

14 years ago

[/caption] A five-year survey of nearby solar-mass stars has provided astronomers with an estimate of how many stars of this…

New Water-Related Discovery from Hibernating Spirit Rover

14 years ago

[/caption] She may be down, but she’s not out – out of the discovery department, anyway. Data from the Spirit…

Researchers Discover 2nd Largest Impact Crater in Australia

14 years ago

[/caption] Geothermal energy researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia have identified what may be the second largest meteorite…

Time Traveler Caught on Film?

14 years ago

There's a video making the rounds and creating buzz on the internet and we thought we might as well join…

Where In The Universe #123

14 years ago

After a small hiatus, it’s time once again for another Where In The Universe Challenge. Test your visual knowledge of…

Former Shuttle Astronaut Reflects on Discovery’s Final Mission

14 years ago

[/caption] As he looks back over the years, former shuttle astronaut Robert Springer remembers the shuttle era very clearly. He…