More Recent Landslides Spotted on Mars

14 years ago

[/caption] Thanks to the Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter and the on-board HiRISE camera, scientists are able to monitor Mars for changes…

X-37B Update: Space Plane Spotted Again in Orbit

14 years ago

[/caption] Here's an update on the US Air Force's secret X-37B space plane, which went missing last week -- at…

Even ‘Weakling’ Magnetars are Strong and Powerful

14 years ago

[/caption] The name alone, “magnetar” elicits a magnificent, powerful and strong astronomical object, and most of these “magnetic stars” are…

The Milky Way Might Be Square

14 years ago

[/caption] Just like being stuck inside and not being able to see what the outside of your house looks like,…

Missing Molecules in Exoplanet Atmospheres

14 years ago

[/caption]Every day, I wake up and flip through the titles and abstracts of recent articles posted to arXiv. With increasing…

Viewing Alert: Virgin Galactic Flight Featured on Nat Geo Channel

14 years ago

Here's some exclusive video of the first glide flight of SpaceShipTwo earlier this week, shared by the National Geographic Channel,…

How Does Carbon Capture Work?

14 years ago

What if it were possible to just suck all the harmful pollutants out of the air so that they wouldn’t…

Is the World Ready for An Asteroid Threat? Apollo’s Schweickart Pushes for Action

14 years ago

If we discover an asteroid heading directly towards Earth, are we ready to deal with the challenges of either deflection…

Where is Helium Found

14 years ago

[/caption] Helium is the second lightest element in the known universe. It is also the second most abundant. According to…

Where Does Geothermal Energy Come From

14 years ago

[/caption] You may not have heard much about geothermal energy but it is one of the hottest alternative energy commodities…