Moon Balloon Has Mostly Successful Test Flight

14 years ago

[/caption] A Romanian team aiming to send a rocket to the Moon via balloon successfully launched a test flight of…

Titan-ic Tsunami Causing Crack in Saturn’s C Ring

14 years ago

[/caption] Saturn’s rings have several gaps, most of which are caused by small moons shepherding ring debris into breaks in…

Rosetta Uncovers a Thick, Dusty Blanket on Lutetia

14 years ago

[/caption] If you think that asteroids are boring, unchanging rocks floating in space waiting only to crop up in bad…

ISS Instrument Detects X-ray Nova

14 years ago

[/caption] An instrument on board the International Space Station has discovered an X-ray nova. The science team from the Monitor…

Acid Rain-Like Chemistry Could Occur in Europa’s Ice Crust

14 years ago

A new look at how chemicals on Jupiter’s moon Europa may be reacting together could provide new insight to how…

A Rainbow Across the Moon

14 years ago

[/caption] Even though it is not the mind-blowing experience of a double rainbow all the way across the sky, seeing…

Carnival of Space #172

14 years ago

[/caption] This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Jason Major over at Lights in the Dark. He created the…

What is a Flying Wing?

14 years ago

The field of aviation has produced some interesting designs over the course of its century-long history. In addition to monoplanes,…

Who was the First Dog to go into Space?

14 years ago

Before man ever set foot on the moon or achieved the dream of breaking the Earth’s gravity and going into…

Astronomy Without A Telescope – A Snowball’s Chance

14 years ago

[/caption] Wanna build celestial objects? I mean it sounds easy - you just start with a big cloud of dust…