Does Tidal Evolution Cause Stars to Eat Planets?

14 years ago

[/caption] With the success of the Kepler mission, the viability of looking for planets via transits has reached maturity. However,…

What are Electrons

14 years ago

[/caption] If you have heard of electrons you know that they have something to do with electricity and atoms. If…

The Other End of the Planetary Scale

14 years ago

[/caption] The definition of a "planet" is one that has seen a great deal of contention. The ad-hoc redefinition has…

Extrasolar Volcanoes May Soon be Detectable

14 years ago

[/caption] We’ve all seen pictures of erupting terrestrial volcanoes from space, and even eruptions on Jupiter’s moon Io in the…

Aesthetics of Astronomy

14 years ago

[/caption] When I tell people I majored in astronomy, the general reaction is one of shock and awe. Although people…

Win ‘Star Walk’ and ‘Solar Walk’ Astronomy Apps

14 years ago

I've had a couple of people excitedly show me the Star Walk astronomy app on their iPhones and ipads, and…

Two New Asteroids to Pass Earth This Week

14 years ago

[/caption] Two newly discovered asteroids will pass the Earth this week. The asteroids were discovered on September 5th of this…

Spiral Galaxies Could Eat Dwarfs All Across the Universe

14 years ago

[/caption] For years, astronomers have seen evidence that – at least in our own local neighborhood -- spiral galaxies are…

Hubble Spies an Amazing Cosmic Spiral

14 years ago

[/caption] The Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys has captured a remarkable image of a spiral in space. No,…

Herschel Finds Water Around a Carbon Star

14 years ago

[/caption] There’s something strange going on around the red giant star CW Leonis (a.k.a. IRC+10216). Deep within the star’s carbon-rich…