JAXA Delays Releasing Details of Hayabusa Sample Return

14 years ago

[/caption] No news yet if there are specks of asteroid dust in the Haybusa sample return container. JAXA has decided…

Time Lapse Video of Earth from Space

14 years ago

This time lapse footage was taken by astronaut Don Pettit -- of Saturday Morning Science and the Zero-G coffee cup…

Colliding Galaxies Created the First Black Holes

14 years ago

[/caption] How were the Universe’s first supermassive black holes formed? A new model of the evolution of galaxies and black…

Asteroids Can Create Their Own Mini Planetary Systems

14 years ago

[/caption] From a University of Colorado-Boulder press release: While the common perception of asteroids is that they are giant rocks…

Updated Exoplanet iPhone App

14 years ago

[/caption] Just in time for the announcement yesterday of the multi-planet solar system discovery, and an upcoming exoplanet announcement by…

Could the World Run on Solar and Wind Power?

14 years ago

[/caption] Today, the total oil and natural gas production provides about 60 percent of global energy consumption. This percentage is…

Record-Setting Freefall Attempt Will be Webcast

14 years ago

Want to know what it is like to bail out in near space and freefall 37 km (23 miles) to…

First Quarter Moon

14 years ago

[/caption] The first quarter moon is actually the third phase of the moon each cycle. In the Northern Hemisphere during…

Amazing Sunspot Image from New Solar Telescope

14 years ago

[/caption] A new type of adaptive optics for solar observations has produced some incredible results, providing the most detailed image…

Preview of Phil Plait’s ‘Bad Universe;’ Premiers August 29

14 years ago

We are SOOO looking forward to our friend Phil Plait's new endeavor, a TV show called "Phil Plait’s Bad Universe,"…