Preview of Phil Plait’s ‘Bad Universe;’ Premiers August 29

14 years ago

We are SOOO looking forward to our friend Phil Plait's new endeavor, a TV show called "Phil Plait’s Bad Universe,"…

James Cameron and ‘Avatar’ Help Promote NASA’s Exploration

14 years ago

Can't get enough of "Avatar?" Now, you can see James Cameron and scenes from the 3-D epic on NASA TV…

Another Solar System Like our Own?

14 years ago

There is another Sun-like star out there with an intriguing family of planets orbiting about and it could be the…

Dragon Drop Tests and Heat1X-Tycho Brahe Set to Launch – SpacePod 2010.08.24

14 years ago

Home made rockets launched from home made submarines next to dragon wings floating in the ocean on your SpacePod for…

Tight Binaries are ‘Death Stars’ for Planets

14 years ago

[/caption] Astronomers studying double star systems where the two stars are extremely close have found a pattern of destruction. While…

Astronomers Use Radio Signals for New Way to Weigh Planets

14 years ago

[/caption] Finding the mass of other planets is tricky, and usually is done by measuring the orbits of their moons…

Our Solar System: Now 2 Million Years Older

14 years ago

Our solar system is beautiful and aging gracefully, but it might be even older than we originally thought, by as…

Amazing Image: Map of Magnetic Field Lines of the Sun

14 years ago

[/caption] The Sun's corona is threaded with a complex network of magnetic fields, and this amazing new image from the…

Danish Amateurs Hope To Launch Suborbital Rocket Next Week

14 years ago

[/caption] It’s something like the movie “Astronaut Farmer,” but this is for real. And it’s in Danish. Copenhagen Suborbitals, headed…

Jupiter Gets Smacked Yet Again?

14 years ago

It looks like once again, Jupiter has taken a hit! And once again an amateur astronomer spotted and captured the…