Cosmic Volcano Erupting in M87

14 years ago

[/caption] It’s the Eyjafjallajokull of space! Chandra and the VLA have teamed up to find an erupting galactic "super-volcano" in…

MESSENGER Looks Back at the Earth and Moon

14 years ago

[/caption] A new image to add to the family photo album! The MESSENGER spacecraft is working its way to enter…

Where In The Universe #115

14 years ago

It’s time once again for another Where In The Universe Challenge. Test your visual knowledge of the cosmos by naming…

Contest: Win New Book About the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

14 years ago

UPDATE: The winner of the book is Irfaan Hamdulay from Cape Town, South Africa. Congrats! A new giveaway for Universe…

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: “A Grand and Bold Thing”

14 years ago

If you do a search of articles on Universe Today, you'll find that a large number of our posts reference…

Venus and Mercury Blasted by Recent Solar Storms

14 years ago

Update: Well, it turns out that while it looks like Venus and Mercury are getting pummeled by Coronal Mass Ejections,…

Amazing New Close-up Images of Enceladus

14 years ago

[/caption] Oh, wow! This is one of the best images yet from the Cassini spacecraft of the "tiger stripes" in…

AEHF-1 Rides Atlas V To Orbit

14 years ago

“As we expected it was a totally successful launch.”

Astrophotography Spotlight – Centaurus A

14 years ago

"I'm on rhe outside... I'm lookin' in." And just who are we looking in at this time? None other than…

Astronomy Without A Telescope – Alchemy By Supernova

14 years ago

[/caption] The production of elements in supernova explosions is something we take for granted these days. But exactly where and…