Even Though They’re Bigger, Generation 2 Starlinks are Fainter than Gen 1

1 year ago

We've filed plenty of reports here at UT warning about the potential impact of Starlink and similar satellites on the…

Astronomers See the Same Supernova Four Times Thanks to a Gravitational Lens

1 year ago

Thanks to a well-placed gravitational lens, a team of astronomers was able to observe a supernova four times!

The Best Particle Collider in the World? The Sun

1 year ago

Recently astronomers caught a strange mystery: extremely high-energy particles spitting out of the surface of the Sun when it was…

We Could See the Glint off Giant Cities on Alien Worlds

1 year ago

How large would an extraterrestrial city have to be for current telescopes to see it? Would it need to be…

JWST is Powerful Enough to See a Variety of Biosignatures in Exoplanets

1 year ago

According to a new study, JWST is powerful enough to detect the chemicals in the atmospheres of various terrestrial planets…

The Hidden Benefits of Large Science Projects

1 year ago

Large astronomical projects like the Dark Energy Survey and the James Webb Space Telescope provide innumerable benefits to society, like…

This Hot Jupiter is Leaving a Swirling Tail of Helium in its Wake

1 year ago

In a recent study published in Science Advances, a team of researchers commissioned the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), which is designed…

Earth Might Have Formed in Just a Few Million Years

1 year ago

Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago. That simplistic statement is common, and it's a good starting point for understanding…

Pulsars Could Help Map the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way

1 year ago

The BlackHoleCam project, part of the Event Horizon Telescope consortium, will use the powerful EHT array to search for pulsars…

A Planet So Hot Its Atmosphere Contains the Raw Material for Rocks

1 year ago

In the annals of "strange new worlds", the ultra-hot Jupiter planet WASP-76b ranks right up there as a very unusual…