The Sun Reaches Solar Maximum in 2032. A new NASA Flagship Mission Could Give Us a Perfect View

1 year ago

There are always more space missions than there is money to support them. Ultimately, some make the funding cut, and…

We Might Soon Detect the Gravitational Waves from Dying Stars

1 year ago

Researchers have discovered an exciting new source of gravitational waves. They are the remnants left over from a supernova explosion,…

Why Didn’t the Big Bang Collapse in a Giant Black Hole?

1 year ago

Despite the enormous densities, the early universe didn't collapse into a black hole because, simply put, there was nothing to…

What Role Will NASA Play In Developing ISRU On The Moon?

1 year ago

Space agencies will play a vital role in the developing space economy, especially in the beginning. But what will the…

Parker Solar Probe Flies Close Enough to the Sun to See the Source of the Fast Solar Wind

1 year ago

Where does the solar wind come from? That's a question solar physicists have wanted an answer to for decades. Now,…

Has JWST Finally Found the First Stars in the Universe?

1 year ago

New observations from JWST hint at pockets of new gas in the halo of more evolved galaxies, where these first-generation…

If We Can Master Artificial Photosynthesis, We Can Thrive in Space

1 year ago

In a recent study, a team led by the University of Warwick propose a new type of life support system…

Geoengineering is Shockingly Inexpensive

1 year ago

Despite decades of warnings and international climate agreements, global carbon emissions are still rising. Carbon emissions seem like an unstoppable…

If Black Holes Evaporate, Everything Evaporates

1 year ago

Stephen Hawking predicted that black holes wouldn't last forever, eventually evaporating into a smear of particles. According to a new…

Gemini North Returns to Service Just in Time to See a New Supernova

1 year ago

The 8-meter Gemini North telescope has been brought back online after seven months of repairs and refurbishment of its primary…