SpaceX Falcon 9 Successfully Launches, Reaches Orbit

14 years ago

It was history in the making that could have a huge bearing on the future of US spaceflight. The commercial…

Mars Gets Autotuned!

14 years ago

You've probably seen "A Glorious Dawn" -- the autotune wonder that allowed Carl Sagan to sing to us. The Symphony…

New Impact on Jupiter

14 years ago

[/caption] In an incredible coincidence where a paper was released today about the 2009 impact event on Jupiter, the same…

Crew Embarks on 520-Day Mock Mission to Mars

14 years ago

[/caption] Six men from Europe, Russia and China embarked on a 520-day mock mission to Mars, heading out to a…

SpaceX Hopeful For Successful Flight Test of Falcon 9

14 years ago

[/caption] The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket sits poised on Cape Canaveral to begin a new era in space flight, as…

Astronaut Demonstrates Gravity on Different Planetary Bodies

14 years ago

One of our favorite astronauts, Chris Hadfield from Canada, was recently part of the NEEMO-14 crew -- NASA's Extreme Environment…

Early Faint Sun Paradox Explained?

14 years ago

[/caption] Models of the Sun’s evolution indicate it was as much as 30 percent less luminous during Earth’s early history…

Spirit Rover Still Providing New Evidence for Past Water on Mars

14 years ago

[/caption] Even though the Mars Rover Spirit is asleep, a new look at old data from one of her instruments…

Where In The Universe Challenge #107

14 years ago

It’s time once again for another Where In The Universe Challenge. Test your visual knowledge of the cosmos by naming…

New Hubble Images Zoom In on Asteroid Impact on Jupiter

14 years ago

[/caption] When amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley from Australia saw a dark spot the size of the Pacific Ocean appear on…