eROSITA Sees Changes in the Most Powerful Quasar

1 year ago

An international team of astronomers observed the quasar J1114 in the X-ray band for the first time, revealing things about…

Juno Reveals Volcanoes on Io

1 year ago

Jupiter's moon Io is the most volcanic world in the Solar System, with over 400 volcanoes. Some of them eject…

An Astronaut Will Be Controlling Several Robots on Earth… from Space

1 year ago

Germany's DLR has been hosting a series of robotic teleoperation experiments where an astronaut abroad the ISS controls a robot…

SETI Researchers Are Simulating Alien Contact — and You Can Help

1 year ago

Is it a multimedia art project? Or a rehearsal for alien contact? Let's call it both: Researchers specializing in the…

The Tonga Eruption Was So Powerful it Disrupted Satellites Half a World Away

1 year ago

Remember the huge Tonga eruption in the South Pacific in January 2022? This underwater volcano sent tons of ash into…

The Heaviest Neutron Stars Could Have Strange Matter Cores

1 year ago

Physics gets weird at the extremes. Astrophysics usually deals with the extremely large - large energies, large gravities, and lots…

Four Private Astronauts Are Now on the International Space Station

1 year ago

On Sunday, May 21, the 4-person crew of Axiom Mission 2 (Ax-2) blasted off to the International Space Station (ISS)…

Astronomers Watched a Fast Radio Burst Go Right Through a Star’s Atmosphere

1 year ago

The universe is filled with things that go flash in the night. That includes fast radio bursts (FRBs). These are…

There's So Much Going on in This Star-Forming Nebula

1 year ago

Look at this beautiful image of the Lupus 3 star-forming interstellar cloud captured by the Dark Energy Camera.

Remember Those Impossibly Massive Galaxies? They May Be Even More Massive

1 year ago

A new analysis of those James Webb images showed that the galaxies it observed (deemed "too massive") could be even…