Mars Has a Thick Crust. Its Internal Heat Mainly Comes from Radioactivity

1 year ago

How thick is the crust of Mars? This question is what a recent study published in Geophysical Research Letters attempted…

Could We Resurrect the Spitzer Space Telescope?

1 year ago

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope served the astronomy community well for 16 years. From its launch in 2003 to the end…

Fatty Acids Might Exist in Space

1 year ago

A team of physicists have discovered that the environment of a molecular cloud in interstellar space can support the existence…

A Few Interstellar Objects Have Probably Been Captured

1 year ago

When Oumuamua travelled through our Solar System back in 2017, people around the world paid attention. It was the first…

Astronomers Find an Earth-Sized World That May Be Carpeted in Volcanoes

1 year ago

Astronomers think they've found an extrasolar planet covered in volcanoes like Jupiter's moon Io, but this world is about the…

Saturn's Rings are Much Younger Than the Planet

1 year ago

Scientists know how quickly dust builds up and allows them to measure in Saturn's rings, and it points to a…

Four of Uranus’ Moons Might Have Liquid Oceans, Too

1 year ago

The study of ocean worlds, planetary bodies with potential interior reservoirs of liquid water, has come to the forefront in…

JWST Finds a Comet Still Holding Onto Water in the Main Asteroid Belt

1 year ago

Comets are instantly recognizable by their tails of gas and dust. Most comets originate in the far, frozen reaches of…

Astronomers Prepare for the Next Thousand Years of Hazardous Asteroid Impacts

1 year ago

It is as inevitable as the rising of the Sun and the turning of the tides. Someday another large rock…

Life Probably Didn't Have a Hand in Creating Organic Deposits on the Surface of Mars

1 year ago

Using data from the ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), new research shows that organic material on Mars may not be…