Confirmed. Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Sources are Really That Bright

1 year ago

At the extreme end of astrophysics, there are all sorts of phenomena that seem to be counter-intuitive. For example, how…

Black Holes Might be Defects in Spacetime

1 year ago

A team of theoretical physicists have discovered a strange structure in space-time that to an outside observer would look exactly…

The Earth's Magnetosphere Could be Used as a Gravitational Wave Observatory

1 year ago

The magnetospheres of Earth and Jupiter might be used to observe high-frequency gravitational waves.

New Photos Show Collapsed Chains of Craters on a Martian Volcano

1 year ago

Most everyone is familiar with Olympus Mons, the largest volcano on Mars and also the largest in the Solar System.…

NASA Thinks They Can Give us 30 Minutes of Warning Before a Killer Solar Storm Hits Earth

1 year ago

We've touched on the hazards of solar storms plenty of times in the past. We've also recently started reporting even…

This Star Might be Orbiting a Strange “Boson Star”

1 year ago

A team of astronomers has claimed that observations of a sun-like star orbiting a small black hole might actually be…

Perseverance Finds an Ancient, Fast Flowing River

1 year ago

In a first for Martian water science, NASA’s Perseverance rover has discovered geological evidence of a large, fast-moving river in…

JWST Looks at the Atmosphere of a Stormy, Steamy Mini-Neptune

1 year ago

Just because there's no Mini-Neptune in our Solar System doesn't mean they're not common. They appear to be widespread throughout…

Glass Fibers in Lunar Regolith Could Help Build Structures on the Moon

1 year ago

After analyzing the samples returned by Chang'e-5, a team of Chinese scientists found glass fibers that could be used to…

New Images Reveal the Magnetic Fields in the Horsehead Nebula

1 year ago

A high-school student and an international team of astronomers created the first-ever map of the Horsehead Nebula's magnetic field.