Straight From the Island of Misfit Galaxies: Barnard

15 years ago

[/caption] By galactic standards, Barnard is a misfit. This galaxy is diminutive, oddly shaped, and hard to see. But give…


15 years ago

[/caption] An exoplanet – or extrasolar planet – is a planet which orbits a star other than our own Sun.…

Deep Impact

15 years ago

[/caption] Deep Impact is the name of a NASA space mission whose primary objective was to study Comet Tempel 1…

What is the Most Remote Place on Earth?

15 years ago

Have you had enough of kids, car alarms and the obnoxious laugh of your neighbor down the hall? You may…

A Very Large 3-D Movie

15 years ago

Quick! Grab a pair of red and green 3-D glasses and slap them on to watch this great time lapse…

Asteroid Pallas is Also a Protoplanet

15 years ago

[/caption] Some objects in the solar system are in a "gray area," and can be classified under more than one…

What is an Event Horizon?

15 years ago

The event horizon of a black hole is the boundary ('horizon') between its 'outside' and its 'inside'; those outside cannot…


15 years ago

[/caption] Betelgeuse is the ninth brightest star in the sky, and the second brightest in the constellation of Orion (it's…

What is the Aurora Borealis?

15 years ago

[/caption] The aurora (plural aurorae) borealis has many other names: northern lights, northern polar lights, polar lights, and more. An…

Now Watch This: Saturn Aurora Movie

15 years ago

Wow! This is really neat! We've long known that Saturn has aurorae, and the Cassini team recently took a series…