Gravitational Lensing is Helping to Nail Down Dark Matter

1 year ago

Using gravitational lenses, a team of astronomers showed how axions could be the particle that makes up Dark Matter.

Black Hole Event Horizons Can Get So Big it'll Boggle Your Imagination

1 year ago

Some black holes are truly monsters, and astronomers are pretty good at determining just how large they are.

May 5th’s ‘Teaser’ Lunar Eclipse

1 year ago

A ‘barely there’ lunar eclipse will flirt with the shadow of the Earth Friday evening.

JWST Tries to Untangle the Signals of Water. Is it Coming From the Planet or the Star?

1 year ago

Using Webb, a team of scientists may have detected water vapor in a rocky exoplanet's atmosphere (though the signal may…

Even if There's Life on TRAPPIST-1, We Probably Can't Detect it

1 year ago

If we ever find life on other worlds, it is unlikely to be a powerful message from space. It's certainly…

ESA Can’t Deploy JUICE’s Radar Antenna. It Needs It to Scan Under the Ice at Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede

1 year ago

In a scene eerily reminiscent of the Galileo spacecraft's antenna issues, ESA's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) is having a…

Gaze at a Nearby Actively Feeding Supermassive Black Hole

1 year ago

Astronomers recently shared a new image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope of the galaxy NGC 4395. This relatively diffuse…

Airbus Designs a Space Station With Artificial Gravity

1 year ago

Airbus just shard its design for the Airbus LOOP, a Multi-Purpose Orbital Module that could be used in future space…

We Can Now See Into the Permanently Shadowed Craters on the Moon

1 year ago

An instrument called ShadowCam is giving NASA's planned Artemis missions to the Moon some advanced views of a landing site.…

China Finally Tells us What's Going on With its Mars Rover

1 year ago

The Zhurong Rover has sat unmoving and unresponsive on Mars since May 20th, 2022, when one of the planet’s infamous…