Each Planetary Nebula is Unique. Why Do They Look So Different?

1 year ago

When it comes to cosmic eye candy, planetary nebulae are at the top of the candy bowl. Like fingerprints—or maybe…

Aliens Could Map Earth From its Mobile Phone Towers

1 year ago

Mobile phones are so ubiquitous that we typically don't think about how they work. They just do, much to our…

Be Grateful the Sun Can’t Produce Flares Like This

1 year ago

Okay, so we all know that the Sun is heading into solar maximum. That means it's quite a bit more…

Bizarre Exoplanet Breaks All the Orbital Rules

1 year ago

A fluffy hot jupiter has an orbit that doesn't line up with the rotation of its star.

A Black Hole Tore a Star to Pieces. The Closest We’ve Ever Seen.

1 year ago

We all know that black holes are destructive monsters. Their tremendous gravitational pull sucks in anything that gets in the…

European Satellite Measures Exactly How Much Ice Has Been Lost from Glaciers

1 year ago

As global warming heats up our atmosphere a degree at a time, the world's glaciers are paying the price. In…

SpaceX Starship Effectively Grounded by FAA After in-Flight Explosion

1 year ago

After the Starship's orbital flight test ended in an explosion, SpaceX is grounded while the FAA performs an assessment.

These Stars are Already Merging, but Their Future Will Be Catastrophic

1 year ago

Two stars are in the process of merging, but they will become black holes before they do.

Ingenuity Snaps Another Shot of Perseverance on the Move

1 year ago

Our favorite Martian helicopter did it again. The tiny Ingenuity chopper recently did its 51st flight on Mars. It traveled…

What Would be in a Moon Salad?

1 year ago

Imagine you're a lunar astronaut, putting in a hard day's work building your lab or excavating moon rocks. You get…