Finally, JWST's Data on the First TRAPPIST-1 Planet. Survey Says? It Sucks

1 year ago

With the James Webb Space Telescope’s ability to detect and study the atmospheres of distant planets orbiting other stars, exoplanet…

Why Does ‘Oumuamua Follow Such a Bizarre Orbit? Hydrogen Outgassing

1 year ago

Nothing excites space enthusiasts like a good alien mystery. The interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua presented one as it moved through the…

Asteroid Ryugu Contains Niacin (aka Vitamin B3)

1 year ago

In December 2020, JAXA’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft delivered a pristine sample of otherworldly dust and rock from asteroid Ryugu to Earth.…

Astronauts Could Mix and Match Parts to Make the Perfect Robot for Any Job

1 year ago

Building with Legos is a favored pastime for many small children and adults. We've even covered some more space-oriented Lego…

Don’t Take Batteries to the Moon or Mars, 3D Print Them When you Get There

1 year ago

When the Artemis astronauts and future explorers go to the Moon and Mars, they'll need power. Lots of it. Of…

The 9th Annual Achieving Mars Workshop Report has been Released! How to Make Mars Affordable…

1 year ago

The Ninth Community Workshop for Achievability and Sustainability of Human Exploration of Mars (AM IX) just released its official report.…

Success and Failure: Relativity Space Launches its Terran 1, but the Rocket Fails to Reach Orbit. However, the Launch Photos are Incredible

1 year ago

This past week was a mixed bag for Relativity Space and their 3D-printed methane-fueled rocket engine. While the company’s Terran…

A Rogue Earth and Neptune Might Have Been Found in Older Data

1 year ago

Scientists have found what appear to be rogue planets hidden in old survey data. Their results are starting to define…

Hypervelocity Stars Teach us About Black Holes and Supernovae

2 years ago

A new study shows how hypervelocity stars could teach us more about the most powerful and mysterious phenomena in the…

The Discovery of a Hot Neptune that Shouldn’t Exist

2 years ago

1800 light-years away, an unlikely survivor orbits an aged star. This rare planet is called a hot Neptune, and it's…