Fly Around Jezero Crater on Mars in This New Video

2 years ago

There’s a reason Jezero Crater was chosen as the landing site for the Perseverance Rover: it is considered one of…

Did Supernovae Help Push Life to Become More Diverse?

2 years ago

Life on Earth has been around for a long time—at least 3.8 billion years. During that time, it evolved significantly.…

Another Look at the Aftermath of DART's Impact Into Dimorphos

2 years ago

When the DART spacecraft slammed into asteroid Dimorphos on September 26, 2022, telescopes worldwide (and in space) were watching as…

A New Mission Will Search for Habitable Planets at Alpha Centauri

2 years ago

The TOLIMAN space telescope will search for exoplanets next door, and has contracted with EnduroSat to make that happen.

Machine Learning Finds 140,000 Future Star Forming Regions in the Milky Way

2 years ago

Our galaxy is still actively making stars. We've known that for a while, but sometimes it's hard to understand the…

If Titan Has the Chemistry For Life, Dragonfly Could Find it

2 years ago

The highly-anticipated Dragonfly robotic rotocraft mission to Saturn's moon Titan is scheduled to launch in 2027. When it arrives in…

JWST Sees Organic Molecules Swirling Around a Newborn Star

2 years ago

One of the most interesting questions we can ask is, "How did life form?". To answer it, scientists go back…

The Favorite Solar System Moons of Planetary Geologists; An In-Depth Discussion

2 years ago

The moons of our Solar System have garnered quite a lot of attention in the last few years, especially pertaining…

Remnants of a Relict Glacier Found Near the Equator on Mars

2 years ago

New results presented at the 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference could change our approach to Mars exploration. Scientists studying…

Sci-Fi Christmas is Ruined! Planet Vulcan Doesn’t Exist

2 years ago

According to a new study, the exoplanet 40 Eridani b (aka. "Vulcan") was a false positive. Bad news for Star…