2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS: a Bright Comet for the End of 2024?

2 years ago

New Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS may put on a show at the end of next year.

TESS Shows That Even Small Stars Can Host Giant Planets

2 years ago

Can low-mass stars play host to giant, Jupiter-sized planets? Theories of planet formation suggest that it's highly unlikely. But a…

A Tadpole-Shaped Cloud of Gas is Whirling Around a Black Hole

2 years ago

A team of astronomers from Japan have found a strange "Tadpole" shaped dust cloud near the center of our galaxy,…

The Neutron Star That Thinks It’s a Black Hole

2 years ago

Black holes and neutron stars are among the odder denizens of the cosmic zoo. They're both dense collections of matter…

Are There Better Ways to Communicate with Mars?

2 years ago

Mars is a long way from Earth, making it challenging to communicate with. That difficult communication is becoming ever more…

Want to Soar to the Stratosphere? Japan Joins the Balloon Tourism Race

2 years ago

A Japanese company has put out the call for passengers who'd be willing to pay more than $175,000 for an…

Hubble’s Orbit Has Dropped So Far that Starlink Satellites are Photobombing its Images

2 years ago

Astronomy is poised for another leap. In the next several years, major ground-based telescopes will come online, including the Extremely…

Stars Can Eat Their Planets…and Spit Them Back Out Again

2 years ago

As tragic as it is, engulfment of a planetary object by its stellar parent is a common scenario throughout the…

Watch a Baby Planet Carve Out a Home for Itself

2 years ago

Astronomers have detected a small, compact source embedded in a gap in the disk surrounding a young star. They believe…

The Earth has an Even More Inner Core, and it's a Ball of Solid Metal

2 years ago

Based on seismic data from about 200 earthquakes in the past decade, a team of Australian scientists found evidence of…