Hubble Sees an Epic Merger of Three Galaxies

2 years ago

When is 50,000 light-years only a small distance? When three galaxies are that close to one another. At that range,…

Humanity has Never Seen the sky in the Longest Wavelengths. That Could Change With a new Space Telescope

2 years ago

Technological revolutions can bring about dramatic changes in various fields, some of which are only tangentially related to the field…

How Cold is Space?

2 years ago

The average temperature of the universe is downright cold - right around 3 degrees above absolute zero. (more…)

Do Red Dwarfs Provide Enough Sunlight for Plants to Grow?

2 years ago

A new study has shown the photosynthesis can take place on planets orbiting Red Dwarfs.

Speedrunning Star Formation in the Cygnus X Region

2 years ago

Stars are born in molecular clouds, massive clouds of hydrogen that can contain millions of stellar masses of material. But…

Our Best Instruments Couldn’t Find Life on Mars

2 years ago

The planet Mars is arguably the most extensively studied planetary body in the entire Solar System, which began with telescopic…

Venus is Like an Exoplanet that’s Right Next Door

2 years ago

We're lucky to have a neighbour like Venus, even though it's totally inhospitable, wildly different from the other rocky planets,…

Venus’ Outer Shell is Thinner and “Squishier” Than Previously Believed

2 years ago

While Earth and Venus are approximately the same size and both lose heat at about the same rate, the internal…

Universe-Breaking Galaxies, Source of Dark Energy, Mars Anniversary

2 years ago

Perseverance has been on Mars for two years. Are black holes the source of dark energy? Universe-breaking galaxies found. And…

A Replacement Soyuz Arrives Safely at the International Space Station

2 years ago

The crew of the International Space Station can now breathe a little easier. An uncrewed replacement Soyuz docked safely to…