Some Elements Arrived on Earth by Surfing Supernova Shock Waves

2 years ago

When stars die, they spread the elements they've created in their cores out to space. But, other objects and processes…

Follow Perseverance on Its Mars Journey With This Two-Year Timelapse

2 years ago

Hard to believe, but the Perseverance Rover has begun its third year exploring Mars. On Feb. 18, 2021,  Perseverance rover…

If Planet 9 has Moons, Would That Help Us Find It?

2 years ago

Planet 9 continues to remain elusive. This potential super-Earth-sized object in the outer Solar System is only hypothetical, as something…

Happy Presidents Day: George Washington’s Hair Set to Go to Deep Space

2 years ago

If it turns out that a future extraterrestrial invasion force is headed by a clone of George Washington, we'll have…

Meteor Explodes Over English Channel, Moon Breakthrough, Dark Matter Galaxy

2 years ago

Blue Origin wants to build solar panels on the Moon, out of the Moon, SpaceX sold its floating landing pads,…

ESA is Building an Early Warning System for Dangerous Asteroids

2 years ago

The European Space Agency is working on a new mission that would act as an early warning system for dangerous,…

Are Black Holes the Source of Dark Energy?

2 years ago

In a series of papers, an international team claims they've found the first observational evidence that supermassive black holes are…

Galaxies Aren’t Just Stars. They’re Intricate Networks of Gas and Dust

2 years ago

Astronomers have studied the star formation process for decades. As we get more and more capable telescopes, the intricate details…

This is Your Brain on Spaceflight

2 years ago

When you go to space, it's going to change your brain. Count on it. That's because space travelers enter microgravity,…

When Neutron Stars Collide, the Explosion is Perfectly Spherical

2 years ago

Kilonova explosions are almost perfectly spherical, which could help us study cosmic expansion.