Simeis 147 by Davide De Martin

17 years ago

If you think we're looking straight down the maul of the "Doomsday Machine", you'd be pretty much correct. While the…

How Long is a Year on Jupiter

17 years ago

The answer to ''how long is a year on Jupiter'' is 11.86 Earth years. There is so much more to…

How Long is a Day on Jupiter

17 years ago

The Universe Today readers are always asking great questions. ''How long is a day on Jupiter?'', is one of them.…

New Radio Telescope to Help SETI Scan Unexplored Frequencies for Extraterrestrials

17 years ago

Since the 1960's astronomers have been scanning the heavens, searching for radio signals beamed towards the vicinity of Earth by…

Three “Super-Earths” Found Orbiting One Star

17 years ago

"Does every single star harbor planets and, if yes, how many?" wonders planet hunter Michel Mayor. "We may not yet…

Rare Asteroid Studied by Hawaiian Scientists

17 years ago

Asteroid 10537 (1991 RY16) is a rarity. It is composed of basaltic rock (i.e. rock that cooled quickly after formation…

STS-124: A Mission in Pictures

17 years ago

Always a beautiful sight, the space shuttle Discovery touched down safely at 11:15 a.m. EDT, on Saturday, June 14, 2008,…

What is the Diameter of Earth?

17 years ago

For those people who have had the privilege of jet-setting or traveling the globe, its pretty obvious that the world…

Latest Phoenix Images: Ice or Salt?

17 years ago

The Phoenix lander team revealed the latest images from the mission at a press briefing on Friday. This first image…

How Long is a Year on Earth?

17 years ago

A year on Earth is obviously 1 year long, since it's the standard of measurement. But we can break it…