Double Your Science: Starburst Galaxies Found with Active Quasars

17 years ago

Astronomers now know that essentially every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center. When the black hole is…

Re-use, Recycle and Share Your Spacecraft to Find Exoplanets

17 years ago

How do you get the most out of one spacecraft and find exoplanets in the process? Re-use, recycle and share.…

Book Review: Canada’s Fifty Years in Space – The COSPAR Anniversary

17 years ago

Technical ability signals a country's advent into first world status. Amongst abilities, space travel sets the bar as paramount. Some…

Carnival of Space #56

17 years ago

With the Mars Phoenix Lander settling down on the surface of Mars, many posts in the this week's Carnival of…

Podcast: The Scientific Method

17 years ago

You've heard me say it 90 times: "How we know what we know." But how do we know how we…

Astronomers Weigh the Coolest Brown Dwarfs

17 years ago

Pity the poor brown dwarf; a star wannabe. With as little as 3% the mass of the Sun, brown dwarfs…

Famous People Wandering the Halls of AAS

17 years ago

Walking the halls of the AAS meetings we found Galileo Galilei, who actually looks pretty good for being 440 years…

Planet Discovered with Only 3 Times the Mass of the Earth

17 years ago

Most of the planets found to date have been massive and orbiting their parent stars at a fraction the orbit…

AAS Meeting in St. Louis, June 1-5

17 years ago

It's going be another busy week of space news. That's because thousands of professional astronomers have descended into St. Louis…

How To Weigh a Black Hole: Just Look At Its Galaxy

17 years ago

My father was a rancher, who had the uncanny ability to accurately estimate the weight of each animal in his…