Wow! Satellite Catches Bright Solar Flare From a Another Star

17 years ago

NASA's Swift satellite picked up one of the brightest solar flares ever seen -- not from our own sun, but…

There’s A lot of Dust Out There in the Universe

17 years ago

The whole point of putting telescopes in orbit is to avoid distortions caused by our murky atmosphere. But now astronomers…

Fly Over the Columbia Hills at APOD

17 years ago

If you haven't yet discovered Astronomy Picture of the Day, its an absolutely wonderful site that provides a different image…

Job Posting: Apply Today to Become an Astronaut

17 years ago

Looking for a new and exciting job that will take you places? Now is the time to take the leap,…

Comments on “No Doomsday in 2012”

17 years ago

These comments were originally posted to the article "No Doomsday in 2012". Unfortunately, there were so many comments that it…

Venus’ Orbit Around the Sun

17 years ago

The orbit of Venus is the most circular in the entire Solar System. In mathematical terms, the eccentricity of Venus…

Satellite Images of China Earthquake

17 years ago

Some of the first satellite images have been released of areas in China hit by the 7.9 magnitude earthquake on…

Does Venus Have Volcanoes?

17 years ago

Our planet is an active world geologically. We have volcanoes constantly erupting across the planet, especially in the regions where…

Strange, Super-Sized Pulsar Stumps Scientists

17 years ago

Astronomers have discovered a fast-spinning, super-sized pulsar in a stretched-out orbit around an apparent Sun-like star. This combination (as well…

Ultimate Recycling on the ISS: Urine to Water

17 years ago

Right now, the crews on board the International Space Station consist of three people. But by late next year, the…