Machine Learning is a Powerful Tool When Searching for Exoplanets

2 years ago

A new machine learning technique will help astronomers detect young exoplanets in disks surrounding other stars.

Images From Three Telescopes Merged Into One Spectacular Picture of the Sun

2 years ago

You’ve probably never seen our Sun look like this before. This bizarre image of old Sol is made from data…

More Data and Machine Learning has Kicked SETI Into High Gear

2 years ago

An international team of SETI researchers used a new algorithm to look for technosignatures in GBT data. They found 8…

Seeing a Mirror Image of the Milky Way From Billions of Years Ago

2 years ago

Ever wonder what our Milky Way Galaxy looked like in its early history? Astronomers using the Webb Telescope (JWST) found…

SpaceX Sets New Record with Successful Test-Firing of 31 Raptor Engines!

2 years ago

SpaceX set a new record for thrust with the B7 booster's static fire test, which saw 31 of its 33…

The Raw Materials for Life Form Early on in Stellar Nurseries

2 years ago

Life doesn't appear from nothing. Its origins are wrapped up in the same long, arduous process that creates the elements,…

Astronomers still scratching their heads over population of ocean-world exoplanets

2 years ago

In a recent study submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters, an international team of researchers led by the University of…

Dwarf Planet Quaoar has a Ring

2 years ago

Quaoar is one of about 3,000 dwarf planets in our Solar System's Kuiper Belt. Astronomers discovered it in 2002. It's…

Could a Dark Energy Phase Change Relieve the Hubble Tension?

2 years ago

A new study suggests that the Hubble Constant could be resolved by the presence of a "New Early Dark Energy"…

A Russian Satellite Has Broken Into Pieces, Littering Debris in Space

2 years ago

A Russian KOSMOS 2499 satellite broke up last month -- for a second time -- according to the Space Force's…