New Discoveries Puts Jupiter at 92 Known Moons

2 years ago

The moon hunter strikes again. A team of astronomers led by Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution has found and…

The World's Largest Radio Telescope Just Scanned 33 Exoplanets for a Signal From Aliens

2 years ago

Using China's FAST telescope and a new technique, an international team of astronomers scanned 33 exoplanets for signs of extraterrestrial…

Astronomers Make a New Map of all the Matter (and Dark Matter) in the Universe

2 years ago

There's a lot of matter in the Universe, but not all of it is visible to us. Matter is, essentially,…

This Exoplanet Orbits Around its Star’s Poles

2 years ago

In 1992, humanity's effort to understand the Universe took a significant step forward. That's when astronomers discovered the first exoplanets.…

Sierra Space Tests Another Inflatable Space Station Module … to Destruction

2 years ago

Oops! They’ve done it again. Sierra Space blew up their space habitat for the third time – intentionally -- all…

Check Out This Great View of Comet 96P Machholz, Courtesy of SOHO

2 years ago

Now’s the time to catch periodic Comet 96P Machholz on its encore dawn performance, before it slides out of view.

Earth-Sized Planet Found At One of the Lightest Red Dwarfs

2 years ago

Astronomers have found another Earth-sized planet. It's about 31 light-years away and orbits in the habitable zone of a red…

Hubble’s New View of the Tarantula Nebula

2 years ago

The Tarantula Nebula, also called 30 Doradus, is the brightest star-forming region in our part of the galaxy. It's in…

Face-on View of Galaxy NGC 4303 Reveals its Arms are Filled with Active Star Formation

2 years ago

Galaxies fill a lot of roles in the universe. The most obvious one is star formation factories. Without that activity,…

JWST Unexpectedly Finds a Small Asteroid During ‘Failed’ Observations

2 years ago

While astronomers and engineers were trying to calibrate one of the James Webb Space Telescope’s instruments last summer, they serendipitously…