NASA Official Wants a Six Month Stay on Moon

17 years ago

NASA is exploring the possible designs for lunar bases, intended for an extended stay on the Moon. A NASA official…

Why are there Black Holes in the Middle of Galaxies?

17 years ago

Question: Why are Black Holes in the Middle of Galaxies? Answer: The black holes you're thinking of are known as…

Why Haven’t Planets Been Detected Around Alpha Centauri?

17 years ago

Question: Why aren't astronomers looking for planets around nearby stars like Alpha Centauri? Answer: That's a great question. Since Alpha…

Stuart Blasts Star Naming Companies

17 years ago

When I pitched a story idea to Tammy Plotner about how a president of a public observatory deals with those…

What’s Up – The Weekend SkyWatcher’s Forecast

17 years ago

It's big. It's bright. It's the Moon! Even though the dark skies will be trashed thanks to the influence of…

A Portal to Another Universe?

17 years ago

In episode 56 of Astronomy Cast, I noted that hoping that a black hole will lead to another dimension is…

Carnival of Space #50

17 years ago

This week the Carnival of Space moves to another new home, the blog for KentuckySat (KySat). We've got some interesting…

Stellar Birth in the Galactic Wilderness

17 years ago

This just in from the pretty pictures department at NASA. NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) shows young stars sprouting up…

Mars Express: Looking Beneath Mars’ Surface

17 years ago

To truly know and understand another world, planetary scientists need to look beneath the surface of that planet. This has…

Inflation Theory Takes a Little Kick in the Pants

17 years ago

Inflation theory proposes that the universe underwent a period of exponential expansion right after the Big Bang. One of the…