Most Advanced Ion Engines For 2013 BepiColombo Mission to Mercury

17 years ago

British scientists have been given the green light to begin the development of the most advanced ion engines ever to…

2007 was Tied for the Second Hottest Year on Record

17 years ago

You weren't imagining things, 2007 really was an unseasonably hot year. In fact, it was tied with 1998 for the…

More Images of Mercury are Pouring In

17 years ago

[/caption] Even though the Mercury flyby happened earlier this week, you can look forward to days and days of images.…

NASA’s Planning its Own Version of World of Warcraft

17 years ago

Level 23 shuttle pilot LFG pst. If you play an online role-playing game, you understood that. If you don't, but…

Astrosphere for January 18, 2007

17 years ago

Your space photo of the day is the recent Earth-grazing asteroid 2008 AF3, captured by RickJ. It looks like a…

Get Ready for the 2008 Space Elevator Challenge

17 years ago

Looking for an exciting challenge, as well as a way to try and create easy and affordable access to space?…

High School Students Discover Asteroid

17 years ago

Here's another wonderful example of how amateur astronomers can make important discoveries. Three high school students from Wisconsin discovered an…

Has a Signal from ET Really Been Detected?

17 years ago

Have you heard the news? A television station in Oakland California was reporting that researchers working with SETI@home discovered a…

Carnival of Space #37

17 years ago

Another week, another Carnival of Space. This time, the lucky host is Colony Worlds. Marvel at the latest images of…

A View of Mercury’s Far Side

17 years ago

Images and data are arriving from MESSENGER's recent flyby of Mercury. Scientists from NASA and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics…