Universe Today Astronomy Picture of the Week – NGC 6188: An Interstellar Portrait

17 years ago

Just one glimpse at this photo by Don Goldman tells a thousand words. Residing in the southern constellation of Ara,…

Hansen: Earth at Crisis Point

17 years ago

NASA’s lead climate scientist says Earth has reached a “tipping point” in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere…

SkyWatcher Alert: Pleiades Occultation on April 8

17 years ago

Sure. For those of us who hang around the night sky, we know the Pleiades and the Moon frequently venture…

Meteorites Make a Big Splash on Mars: New Images of Secondary Craters by HiRISE

17 years ago

They look like pockmarks caused by shrapnel from a huge explosion. Actually they are surface features on Mars as seen…

Did a Cooked Meteorite Seed Life on Earth?

17 years ago

Earth, four billion years ago, was a lifeless, hot and violent place. Not exactly a world where you'd expect life…

Supernova Precursor Discovered in Spiral Galaxy NGC 2397

17 years ago

It's a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack when looking for a star in a galaxy.…

Carnival of Space #48

17 years ago

Slightly delayed, but the Carnival of Space is here again. This week, it's hosted over at Next Big Future, with…

UK “Time Machine” Reveals The Formation Of Distant Galaxies

17 years ago

If you thought the Hubble Deep Field galaxy photo was the most incredible thing you've ever seen, wait until you…

Star Formation Extinguished by Quasars

17 years ago

According to new research, a galaxy with a quasar in the middle is not a good place to grow up.…

Report: Constellation Program Has Serious Issues

17 years ago

NASA is facing some serious problems, and whether these problems are perception or truth remains to be seen. A government…