Astrosphere for November 16th, 2007

17 years ago

Today's photo is the Moon. Sure, I've shown lots of pictures of the Moon, but this one's lunertic's first astrophoto,…

NASA Tests New Parachutes for Ares Spacecraft

17 years ago

This has been an exciting week for NASA's Constellation program -- the missions that will bring humans back to the…

How to Keep a Venus Rover Cool

17 years ago

In comparison to a mission to Venus, missions to Mars or the Moon are a cakewalk. With temperatures exceeding 450ºC…

Prototype Heat Shield for Orion

17 years ago

I know what you're thinking, and no, that's not a UFO in a secret government laboratory. It's not a prop…

Chandra Sees Star Formation in NGC 281

17 years ago

Here's a short little post about the star forming nebula NGC 281, captured by NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory. This photograph…

Astrosphere for November 15th, 2007

17 years ago

Back to the astrosphere. Today's image is M42, captured by Mike Salway. He thinks it's the best one he's ever…

Radical New Steering Thruster Tested

17 years ago

With the shuttle and station in the news these days, it's easy to forget there's a whole other space program…

Finally, Hubble’s View of Comet Holmes

17 years ago

All right, here's the picture we've all been waiting for. Step aside ground-based observatories, papa Hubble's here with images of…

Planets Found Forming in the Pleiades Star Cluster

17 years ago

As you gaze up at the familiar Pleiades star cluster, here's something new you can think about. Planets recently collided…

Harmony Module Moved to its Final Home

17 years ago

Astronauts on board the International Space Station used the station's robotic arm to move the Italian-built Harmony module (aka Node…