Rosetta Flyby Shows the Earth’s Night Side

17 years ago

Right on schedule on November 13th, ESA's Rosetta spacecraft made its 2nd earthly flyby; testing its scientific instruments, and receiving…

Gigantic Delta 4-Heavy Blasts Off

17 years ago

On Saturday night, the largest US rocket blasted off, carrying a 2.3 tonne Defense Support Program satellite into orbit. This…

Oops, That Isn’t an Asteroid, it’s Rosetta

17 years ago

Remember when I mentioned that ESA's Rosetta was inbound to make a flyby of the Earth on November 13th? Well,…

Astrosphere for November 13th, 2007

17 years ago

For the photo, enjoy this image of galaxy M33, captured by RickJ. Now, I'd like to draw your attention to…

Podcast: Uranus

17 years ago

This week, we're on to the next planet in the solar system. Having only visited it up close once with…

What’s Up this Week: November 12 – November 18, 2007

17 years ago

Monday, November 12 - Can you spot the thin crescent of the Moon on the western horizon at sunset? Let…

The Voice of Dr. Wernher von Braun

17 years ago

A bit of inspiration and a pound of sweat. Sounds like a perfect recipe for advancement, but sometimes more is…

Earth Rise, Seen by Kaguya

17 years ago

The team that developed and launched the Japanese Kaguya mission to the Moon earned their entire salary on this photo…

Comet Holmes is Bigger than the Sun

17 years ago

All right, that title is a little misleading. In fact, when I first read the original press release, my skepticism…

Podcast: When White Dwarfs Collide

17 years ago

There's a certain kind of supernova that's totally dependable. Let a white dwarf accumulate 1.4 times the mass of the…